Reference Schools

They have been recognized as strategic centres for their important collaboration in the improvement and evolution of IMTLazarus

– The Reference Schools take advantage of the most innovative functionalities that IMTLazarus provides.
– They have collaborated significantly in some of the technological progress of IMTLazarus.
– They have been recognised as strategic centers because of their contribution in the progress and development of IMTLazarus.

IMTLazarus development through the Reference Schools:

Grupo Coas

As pioneers in 2017, through its team was made the first development for communication between IMTLazarus and Cisco Meraki -for the management of iPads-, applying navigation filters on a web categories-based system and the presentation of navigation reports. They collaborate in the front line testing any new developments in IMTLazarus for iOS and advising us for future changes.

Corazonistas Vitoria

Se llevó a cabo la primera prueba de concepto para ofrecer seguridad en dispositivos Chromebook sin hacer inicialmente uso de G Suite. En segunda fase se decidió la integración para despliegue solo desde G Suite. Colaboran en primera línea comprobando cualquier desarrollo nuevo en IMTLazarus para Chromebook y participan activamente en el desarrollo del sistema de banco de imágenes para la Licencia Integradora, al igual que el centro Juan de Lanuza.

Ramón y Cajal

experience have been essential to achieve integration with the educational ERP Alexia, (Spanish speaking SIMS) when gathering and representing data for it use within IMTLazarus. They also collaborate to integrate with IMTLazarus the Alexia assistance control system via API.


It is one of the centres with more years of experience in the use of the MDM Zuludesk-Jamf School. Its commitment to IMTLazarus has been very important as thanks to its collaboration he has helped in a remarkable way during the beginnings of communication between IMTLazarus and Zuludesk-Jamf School on iPad devices.

Escolapios Aluche

It has collaborated very actively helping in the improvement of the Windows agent since the application was launched to work as a service. It has also recommended design changes to the IMTLazarus control panel, as well as stress tests to detect possible errors in the agent. It has advised on the IMTLazarus installer for deployment in Microsoft Intune and also on Autopilot..

Jesuitinas Valladolid

First center where a 3-technology coexistence model has been developed, managed from Microsoft Intune and in integration with IMTLazarus.
In addition, the center has collaborated in improving the Windows agent since it was ported as a service, as “Escolapios Aluche” School did.

Askartza Claret

The collaboration with the centre has allowed the improvement of the installer MSI on Intune. It has also made it possible to correct aspects of platform functionality that are only detectable with a large volume of devices. It has provided very useful operational information.

Nuestra Señora del Recuerdo

Agreement for the communication process between the ERP Educamos Total (Spanish funded SIMS) and IMTLazarus. It has also collaborated on several corrections for the correct communication between IMTLazarus and the MDM Airwatch for iPads.

Juan de Lanuza

Agreement for the development of the image bank system for Chromebook in the Integrative license, in order to be able to have a historical control of screens when taking exams.

Escola Lleo XIII

It has contributed in a very important way to the improvement of the native MDM of IMTLazarus for iPads, collaborating in all the checks to correct possible errors and reporting us details.

British Council

Agreement for the development of the shared multi-user model on Windows devices through Microsoft Intune and iPads through the MDM Zuludesk/Jamf School.